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what the....?

I had this odd dream last night.

It was like I was watching the trailer of a movie starring Tom Hanks and Julie Benz (For those unfamiliar with Buffyverse, Julie Benz played a vampire named Darla). Tom Hanks was like "Castaway Tom Hanks" cuz he had a crazy ass scraggly beard. Tom and Julie were looovers, and this big dinosaur came to town. Tom had to go fight it and save the world and blah blah blah. Julie felt neglected so she started screwing around with Hugh Hefner. ( ooookay.... ) So this dinosaur for whatever reason was crazy and rabid and .... blind. And Tom kills and it and walks in on Julie and Hef. And he's all, "What the...?" and she's all "You were never there for me!" and I was all yelling at the screen, "He saved the world from a blind rabid dinosaur you whore!" Then it cut to the dinosaur getting up, cuz it wasn't dead yet!

I hate trailers, they give away practically the whole movie. If I was to see this movie I'm guessing that Tom would kill the dino for good, Julie would realize what a terrible mistake she'd made, but Tom would have already fallen for the "quiet, quirky reporter who they try to make seem like she's really not that pretty cuz she's wearing glasses, so they have her take the glasses off at one point, but you could tell the entire time she was really pretty anyways." That's probably what would happen.

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  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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