
Cuz I'm just that good.
We had a meeting at work yesterday to talk about the fact that we are SWAMPED with work and everyone is feeling pretty crappy. One of our managers basically did a "pep talk" (in quotations because he's kind of an ass and wasn't exactly peppy about it) letting us know that we're all gonna be okay and in a couple of weeks we won't feel like we're drowning. We all went around the room venting our frustrations, and someone decided that instead of only complaining we should all say something good about what's going on/thank someone for their hard work/etc. Pretty much everyone said a basic thank you to everyone, "thanks for everyone's support during this CRAP ASS time, blah blah blah." One person specifically thanked some people for taking over some of his files one day ( I was one of those people ). Then one of the processors said that she wanted to give a big huge thank you to Michelle Long. (hey! that's me!) She went on and on about how great I am at my job, how when she sees that I'm her closer she knows that no matter what the file will be done good, that I'm always smiling even when people give me CRAP ASS files. It was pretty cool. Then today, one of our loan officers I was working on a file for said that I was amazing and she was going to talk to my manager and nominate me for a service excellence award and all this stuff. This week has been the CRAPPIEST work week, but it's cool because I KICK ASS. hee!


And monkeys might fly out of my butt
I went to see "Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!" last night. Total chick flick. For those who don't know, I LOATHE chick flicks in general. There are a few that I enjoy, but at least I'm ashamed of it. (ie. Never Been Kissed) So, why did I go pay $8.00 to see a movie I knew I most likely wouldn't like? Three words. Pretty pretty boys. Originally, I wanted to see it because of Josh Duhamel. But two minutes into the movie, my affections were totally averted to Topher Grace. Damn Damn DAMN. And he wears GLASSES in the movie. I want a Topher all for myself. Anybody wanna get me a late Xmas present??
Rosa Parks is now all over. Kinda awesome, but also kinda sad. IPTV is showing the play and some behind the scenes stuff the 17th, 19th, and 20th of next month....if anyone is interested. I don't think I'm shown anywhere, so I don't know why you'd want to watch. :) It's actually a really moving play. The script is crap, but the actors do a really good job. My next playhouse adventure is the Wizard of Oz. So, if anyone has any farm equipment they could lend me, that'd be great. Or flying monkeys.


For those who were worried:
I don't have a heroin habit. Just a weird sense of humor.


I have never wanted a cigarette as badly as I do right now. (and I haven't been drinking)


And, they're making us move again. I have to leave my glorious large cube. I will cry.


Good news:
The tumor in my throat went away. It actually felt like a loogee, but it was there for like 3 days. Weird.

The play opened this weekend to sold out crowds. (excellent) We have two more weekends of show then it's all done. Then I begin work on the mural outisde of the Children's Theater. (again...excellent).

I got season four of Buffy in the mail on Thursday, I'm already to episode 12. There are actually quite a few episodes I hadn't seen, so it's been that much more enjoyable. And I'm enjoying Spike in small and evil doses. Which is kinda perfect. And in episode three, he looks really really hot. Probably the hottest out of any episode besides the Billy Idol flashbacks.

On Saturday I went to a motocross thingy at Vets. I had originally planned on only watching Buffy and doing laundry that night since I'd been so tired all week, but one of my co-workers invited me to come along so I thought I'd check it out. It was really neat! Some of the races were semi-boring (round and round and round), but after we started betting on who would win it got a lot more interesting. And there were some cool crashes. Afterwards we went to the Lumberyard (which was not as much fun as the last time I was there) and back to Brian's to play video games until 5 in the morning. I had two shows on Sunday and I spent most of the time backstage sitting on the floor with my head in hands. I am not in college. I cannot function on three hours of sleep. Bad bad me. But Sunday marked the return of Alias, and Ms. Eyebrows is eeeeevil. AWESOME.


I think I have a tumor in my throat.


Well, this is just.... neat.

You are Spike. Fighter, poet, and fool for love.

Which Buffy vampire are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


I don't like New Year's resolutions. I've always felt that having goals really just set you up for dissapointment in the future. If you never expect anything of yourself, whatever you do is GREAT. But you set a goal and don't achieve it, you suck. I don't like to suck. (dirty!)

But, this year, I'm going to attempt a few resolutions. I really don't think this will end well.

1. Eat better/Learn to cook: Fast food = bad.
2. Exercise: I'm not saying that I should start running miles a day or anything. But, having some sort of scheduled "moving about" can't be a bad thing.
3. Figure out where I'm going: I'm not saying that I have to be out of Iowa by the end of 2004, but at least start doing something besides just thinking about leaving.
4. Kick my heroin habit: Scott Weiland is such a bad influence on me.
5. Save more money: If I actually go thru with resolution #4 this should happen.
6. Learn to be clean: I'm a messy s.o.b.

They're all pretty normal resolutions. Hopefully I can buckle down and actually accomplish a couple. I'm thinking posting signs around my apt. that say "Stop the Insanity"-Susan Powder style.


that is one ridiculously long post.


Woohoo. 2004. Right on.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season. highlights from this year's Christmas and New Year's celebration include the following:
spent xmas eve and day with dave, donna, chelsea and gabe -- witnessed the "spam as a present" tradition. forgot that christmas is all about jesus and didn't make it to mass. watched jerry springer xmas day. reserved a suite in hell.
due to being in the sucky ass real world now, had to work the day after christmas (i want to go back to school just so i can have a month off at christmas). however, since the attorneys i work with ain't working the day after christmas, i had nothing to do. i read old buffy recaps on television with pity.
spent christmas weekend back home:
friday - dad's homestead. the whole long clan was there. wonderful gift exchange. the elvis pendulum clock i got for dad doesn't tell time, but his hips still swing so it's all good. i got the most wonderfully random present from dad and julie - a fiber optic bonsai tree. also received: sweaters, socks, air mattress, 3 cans of uncaffeinated pop, james dean calendar, a not-real puppy that walks and yips, and the rocking horse my great grandad made for me when i was three. (2nd favorite present) finally watched pirates of the caribbean....excellent.
saturday - grandma and grandpa's for burgers. opened "the best christmas present ever" (according to my aunt renee) from my grandparents: a stuffed animal armadillo (i've asked for this for 4 years). AWESOME.
saturday night - mom's humble abode. went to church (hoping to save my soul). gift exchange (received: ducky towels, strawberry shortcake doll, sweaters, slinky, bracelets, a big ass candle, "the patriot" on dvd, and an entertainment center which was shipped to me a while back -- my TV screen is finally bigger than my computer screen! also watched the neverending story and cried when artex died.
sunday - trip to davenport to see the fine jeffrey allen timmerman. he was wearing the same shirt as the last time i saw him in may. visited with jeffer and family. ate cheesecake. bought a sweater. back at the montrose homestead watched the princess bride and the breakfast club.
monday - took a day off work (woo!). got my brakes fixed. went to on cue at the keokuk "mall" where they were having a "we're closing because the keokuk 'mall' sucks" sale. Got 11 cds and a dvd for 30 bucks. and some of them were actually good cds like howie day, beastie boys, and the soundtrack for 'from dusk til dawn' featuring the best stripper song ever.
good christmas weekend eh? new years was a blast as well. went to moline to see colleenery. ate at bennigans (my fave) and went to jr's to ring in the new year with drag queens. despite being crazy tired when i first arrived in town i managed to stay awake (and lively!) until 3:30. new years day i didn't get to see the hawkeyes play but i did finally get to watch an episode of firefly. colleen also graded my pop culture compatability test. after calculating my score, she will go to the movies with me only if she gets to pick it. i guess i'm doomed to watch the fighting temptations.
this weekend starts my week-long work schedule at the playhouse. i have tech rehearsal this weekend plus every night next week. then the play runs every weekend in january. pretending like i'm still in school, i waited until the last minute to do the posters for the play so i was up until midnight last night getting them done. if the director doesn't like them i will gut him like a fish. wish me luck!

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  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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