
My puppy ate a Shop Vac.

And a couch.
And some shoes.
And some of those boxes you use for clothes when wrapping presents.

She gets bored. And I can't blame her - when I get bored I eat too.




Newest addition to the Long-Phillips family

Matt and I adopted a puppy yesterday!
She is awesome. She's a mix of Lab and Dalmation - all black except for a patch on her chest and belly that is white with black spots (How cute!) The pound said her name is Casidy - which first off - is spelled wrong and second - is not a good name for a dog ( in my opinion ). It's one too many syllables. So I've been calling her "Cassie" and Matt has been calling her "Puppy." I'm in the process of thinking of cooler and more fun names. ( Weezie was suggested earlier)
So - expect pictures soon!

In other news - I dread my job and will probably quit before heading to London. (Which is in less than a month!!!) I'll keep you posted!


Next I'll be watching NASCAR

I watched Wrestlemania 21 Live on Pay-Per-View last night.
On purpose.
And I enjoyed myself.
Dear God.

About me

  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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