
Good Morn Kiddo. We are back. Weather stunk. No golf but a great time.


Oh what a good weekend had I.

Friday night: Colleen and I went to a party dressed as cowgirls. We told people we were the new country western duo, "Ropin' and Ridin'" ( I was Ropin' and she was Ridin'). I even made a lasso and brought along a water gun. Those who didn't know us laughed at us. Those who did know us laughed with us. I had a fabulous time.

Saturday: Slept until 1:00ish. Ate at Perkins. Came home and slept more. Got all dressed up for AKPsi formal. Ate at the formal. (Yes, I ate TWO full meals on Saturday). Came home and slept.

Sunday: GEORGE CLINTON IS AMAZING. What an awesome show. WOW. It was totally worth missing Sunday night TV. Although, ALIAS guest starred CHRISTIAN SLATER, and Buffy had a flash back to Spike in his Billy Idol days. (Bleached spikey hair and black eye liner melt by heart) Thank God for VCRs.

I have a test in two hours.



Blogger-screw you.
Why don't my archives work fool?


Coley, you are right about the goat noises. But, who knows, maybe I'll end up making goat noises all by myself. At least someone would be there to keep me company through it.

DJ put his 2 weeks notice in today at work. I'm so sad. He's going to be working at Dirty John's though, so I'll just have to go visit him there. But...sniff...who will complain about Michelle (not talking in the 3rd person Michelle) with me? Who will sing the Doors and Sublime with me? Who will rub my shoulders and tell me that the boys who dump me don't deserve me?? oh what a sad day... I'll miss you DJ!!

This week's mystery: What is that foul smell in the kitchen?


Hi Micki. I'm supposed to be researching the Manhattan Project right now, but I've already got five pages of notes, and who needs to get good grades anyway? I had a heartfelt moment today. We had an assembly over the war, soldiers, freedom, etc. and it was kind of sad. I'd move to Seattle with you, but that wouldn't be very good because you wouldn't want to go to school-you'd rather be at home with me making goat noises, singing old show choir songs, and eating jimichangas :)


Anyone up for moving to Seattle??

My potential roommate informed me Sunday night that he is moving to Orange County instead. Bastard. I understand that this is a great opportunity for him, but screw that! What about me? So, seriously, anyone want to come with me? Seriously.

In better exciting news, I'm going to New Orleans in a couple of weeks. Colleen was accepted into grad school at LSU (hooray!!) so we need to go visit the school. Well, I guess only SHE really needs to visit the school, but I'm sure that I will have much wisdom to provide on the trip. Besides, Aaron and his parents are going to be in New Orleans the weekend of April 11th, so we're going to crash their party. I'm blowing off school for a couple of days to head down there. Apparently my week long break wasn't enough for me, I need more days off.

I fell asleep in the IMU today and missed my art class.


You know what IS NOT fun? 11 hour work days. booo...

Watched "Showgirls" last night. I felt dirty afterwards.

"Nomi's got heat." Priceless.


I'M BACK.....
Oh sweet sweet Vegas.
Thank you Aaron for inviting me along, I take back all my comments about you being an old man. (well, most of the comments at least)

I had a fabulous time. I did the whole tourist thing of oooohing and awwwing at the fancy schmancy casinos and hotels during the day, and went out for good clean wholesome fun at night. I have my very own "spring break moment" now too. Which we won't mention. Don't worry Dad, it's not that bad. My cousins took care of me. They would never let me get too crazy....

It's nice to be back though. Going to bed today was grand. And tonight, to keep the spirit of Vegas alive, Colleen and I are going to watch Showgirls.
And then classes start on Monday.... joy....


if michelle were to post today, i'm sure she would say something like... "i'm in vegas... and you're not."

although, in truth, even if michelle were near a roomful of computers, she would most assuredly not blog, because... well, she's in vegas.

hope you're havin' fun, mich-ellin.


(much excitement)


fear not, mich-elob. you will be in vegas on monday while i will be reshelving books in an empty library. ponder that. besides which, i don't know why you aren't watching episodes of buffy... you know my theory-- we should never watch dr. phil when there is 56 hours of high quality entertainment at our disposal. (buffy note: went to see about schmidt tonight... the mayor is in the movie!)

non-buffy side note: there was an article in my entertainment weekly featuring "dr. phil." instead of an actual photo of him, someone drew a caricature to accompany the article. in the caricature, his head was all mishapen and deformed... at least, i think it was a drawing...


Colleen has been gone for less than 12 hours, and I'm bored out of my mind.
I watched "Divorce Court" and "Dr. Phil" today, then slept for a couple hours.
I'm so pathetic...


oh cruel fate...
it has been reported to me that the OLSEN TWINS may be attending the University of Iowa next year.
the only sensible thing for me to do now is to stay in Iowa City for the next four years, right?


Butch... sigh....


Well, hooray hoorah, I survived my first business policy presentation. I didn't even barf!!

In other exciting news... I don't have to work on Friday, so that means I can FAC it! But, since I have no friends, this probably won't happen. But, hey, the option is there.

Colleen and I really need to start a TV show that is all about us watching other TV shows. I really think it would catch on. I think we're entertaining. Every week we would watch our "normal" shows such as Buffy and Alias, but then occasionally we could have specials--us watching Dawson's Creek and maybe even Smallville. OOHH, we could have special "2 hour events" of us watching choice movies such as Pinata: Survival Island, while sipping on boxed wine. I really think we've got something here.....


Which Avril Lavigne Song Are You?



I have cramps.
I want to build a fort/tent/sailboat.


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  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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