

I just read a random comment on a random blog that revealed the identity of one of the Cylons on Battlestar Galactica.




Greg has a lot to teach me.


Mingle2 - Online Dating


When I grow up, I'm going to go to Bovine University

If I were a Simpson character...



I Know What I Did Last Summer.

Or, you know, over the weekend.

Played a karaoke game on the PS2:
Sarah and Kelly rocking out.

Can you guess the songs?

We may have changed the words to this one....

Kelly, Sarah and I played some Putt-Putt:

And the batting cages:

Good times.

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Torture Porn

I know that my blog doesn't actually reach that many viewers, and of those readers I don't think this is even a concern, but....Please don't go see Captivity this weekend or any other weekend. I just read a review of the movie that shared the entire "plot" and it absolutely disgusts me. I'm almost shaking I'm so mad - and I didn't even watch the movie. The idea that 90 minutes of a woman being tortured could pass as entertainment is disturbing. Eli Roth has gotten shit from people for misogyny in his movies, and full disclosure, Cabin Fever is actually one of my favorite movies. And I dug Hostel too. So, sadly, I feel like I've helped the "Torture Porn" genre thrive a bit. (Although, I thought Saw I and II were crap - haven't seen the third installment) But, even though Hostel did have a good chunk of torture going on, I honestly never thought of it as the entire point behind the movie. I wonder if I was naive or something.

So I'm kind of rambling. I'm just really fucking mad.

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Hey Driver!

A rant:

Dude. Seriously. If it raining HARD CORE, turn on your fucking headlights! Are your wipers on? Then your LIGHTS need to be on. Okay?! Its the flippin' law! And its just considerate and shit.
/End rant.

You know what? I really liked Transformers. It was really dumb in parts, but I loved (LOVED) the cheesiness going on. And the big robots in disguise.

I got glasses. Like, real ones. Not just fun ones from Hot Topic or something. They actually help my eyesight. I'll have to post a pic sometime soon. (Unfortunatly it will be with my new hair cut - that I'm not very fond of.)

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  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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