So Halloween was kind of a bust. Greg planned on going as “Generic 70s action cop with nunchuck action” and I was going as Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Greg looked hilariously awesome and I looked pretty cute if I do say so myself. We planned on going to Columbia for a haunted house Greg’s friends had opened up. No one else we were going down with dressed up, so neither did me and Greg. It was still fun (and we took the nunchucks with us and played with them in the car) but I was looking forward to dressing up. Oh well….I had fun in the Haunted House. I wouldn’t let go of Greg the whole time, I’m such a dork.
I’m hoping to make a trip back to Des Moines sometime soon. I’ve been kinda down in the dumps lately; I need some Iowans to cheer me up. I miss everyone (especially Amy) insane amounts. …sigh…
I’m hoping to make a trip back to Des Moines sometime soon. I’ve been kinda down in the dumps lately; I need some Iowans to cheer me up. I miss everyone (especially Amy) insane amounts. …sigh…