
I've decided that I'm going to buy a guinea pig. I need company.


Fabulouso weekend:

Friday: Took the day off of work. Woke up at 10:30 am. Ate ice cream out of carton. Watched Alias DVD. Took a nap.
Friday night: Drove to see Colleen. Ate mexican. Drank margarita. Got tipsy. Watched the Olsen Twins on the big screen. (They are so pretty!)
Saturday: Village Inn followed by Vodka Cranberries. Watched two REALLY bad movies. Not even "so good it's bad", just BAD.
Sunday: Wendy's, Kill Bill, and Gilmore Girls. Back in Des Moines, Fazzoli's, Adult Swim and Perkins at 11:30 at night.

Coming into work was really super hard. It's been pretty dead though. Our phones actually weren't working this morning so I didn't have to deal with anyone calling...awesome.


I decided to go the Lost Prophets concert at the last minute. The morning of the show I was talking to a co-worker about how I wanted to go. He said, "okay, let's go." So after we got off work we drove 2 hours to Iowa City. When we got there, the opening band hadn't performed, so Lost Prophets had gone on at 7:30 instead of 9:00 so we completely missed them. We did get to to see Hoobastank though, so it wasn't a complete waste. I was pretty mad though. But, the lead singer of Hoobastank took his shirt off during the set, so that almost made up for missing the Lost Prophets.

This Friday, "New York Minute" premieres at a theater near you. Go. Watch. Love.

About me

  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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