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When Colleen and I moved into together, I was pleasantly surprised at how much we had in common and how well we got along. One of the greatest things we shared was our love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I had only really just started watching the show when she moved in ( I would catch reruns on FX ) but because of her awesome friend Jimmy O. I was able to watch all of Season 6 on VHS. Then Colleen and I were able to watch the seventh and final season as it aired on the Iowa City WB affiliate in the year that we lived together.

Although the show still remains my favorite show EVER, it is not without its flaws. One of those that happened WAY too many times in Season 6 was Buffy and Spike doing "it". I was actually squeeing with the delight the first time the two characters swapped swip on screen, but by the end of season I was sick of it. It seemed (as Colleen once joked) Buffy and Spike had gotten it on everywhere but our apartment.

This joke spawned into the wonderful idea that we should buy Buffy and Spike action figures for the sole purpose of setting them up in comprising positions for our amusement. At the time, the Spike figure was insanely expensive (much to my surprise) so we started looking at some other characters. Soon enough Colleen had bought a Buffy, Xander, Angel, and Giles while I got Oz and a different Buffy. This was enough to entertain us. We would take turns "shocking" each other with our arrangements. (I actually screamed once at what Angel was doing to one of the Buffys when I walked into the living room...) When Colleen and I had to part ways the end of senior year it was very sad for many reasons. For me, one of those reasons was the alarming decrease in action figures at my disposal. After I moved to Des Moines, I got a couple more (Faith and Drusilla) just so I could amuse myself occasionally.

Now....Cut to about 3 years later...

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Some would say it's gotten a bit out of hand....

My collection is as follows: (from left to right starting at the top)

Lorne from Angel (he comes with his own karaoke stage and a Seabreeze)
"Fool for Love" Spike (an episode that had a flashback to his "Billy Idol" days...sigh)
Oz (from my original collection)
Dark Witch Willow
Series 1 Willow (this is still in the package since it was one of the first figures released, I've seen it on Ebay for around $40)
Season 5 Willow
Giles (which, funny enough, was shipped here from England)
Series 1 Buffy (with a newly super-glued arm)
Dawn (she comes with a football helmet! If you haven't watch BtVS you don't get it, but if you have...so funny!)
Schoolgirl Darla (this was an Xmas gift from my man)
Illyria from Angel (easily one of my favorite figs - she's so cool)
Season 5 Angel (cool props: #1 boss mug and a thermos of blood)
Graduation Day Buffy (She comes with a diploma, yearbook, and handcuffs)
Faith (actually an Angel , not Buffy, fig)
Pylean Demon Angel
Wesley from Angel (comes with a very cool weapons closet - which actually holds weapons, it isn't just for decoration - and Angel's soul)
Vamped out Spike
Anyanka (Anya in her demon form)
D'Hoffryn (Anyanka's boss)
Anya (just regular)
Anya in a bunny suit

And there you have it. I'm a total nerd. I'm not even mentioning that I own Buffy/Angel ornaments now too.....

I also bought a comic book this weekend.

Buffy sucks. Firefly is where it's at. :-)

Who are you Fatty? I'm stumped!

And, by the way, thems fightin words.

I'm in awe of the figurines! All hail the figurines. Especially Anya in the bunny suit. That's just awesome.

C'mon, you don't even remember your ol' pal fatty? I'm saddened deeply.

And you know Jayne would kick Buffy's ass.


Very good. So what's up?

Oh, you know, this and that.

And I kinda cheated on "figuring out" who you are...I just read Adam's blog.

Figures! I had fun messing with him. Although I ran out of patience and gave it away too fast I think.

I figured it out when you said you were bald. HA!

You haven't seen me since I got bald, have you?

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  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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