
How to embarrass your sister in two easy steps

1. While watching the half-time show at your little brother's high school football game, which consisted of 15 year olds pretending to the Pussycat Dolls think to yourself "This is really disturbing. Young girls should not be idolizing the flippin' Pussycat Dolls! They should be looking up to Tina Fey! Smart is sexy!"
2. Yell these thoughts loudly while the girls are dancing. Most likely while in vicinity of one of their parents.


Also: I had a dream last night that I ran into Kirk Cameron and it was awkward because we use to date (not for real, in dream land, just in case you wondered if it was me that caused him to run toward God and The Left Behind series). I told him congrats on having the #4 Top Grossing Movie over the weekend (which is actually true). And then we made out. Cuz that's what you do with dream Kirk Cameron.

And: Dexter is back! Hooray!


Coming not very soon to a computer near you...

So for the whole 3-4 people who read this blog, some of you may know that when Coley and I were in London visiting Mike we made a Buffy movie. We were waiting for him to come home from work and I just bought a couple new action figures while we were sightseeing that day. (Yeah, while we were on vacation I bought Buffy action figures.) It was us crouched behind his kitchen counter talking in stupid voices making the figures move and dance with our hands totally visible and unable to control our laughter. It was gloriously stupid. Unfortunately, we didn't save the movie. Since my action figure collection has grown so much over the years I've always wanted to make another movie. I've even done story outlines. However, the movie has never gotten any farther than the credits I made for it almost 3 years ago. I was cleaning out my computer today and I came across it and thought I'd share it with you, dear reader.

So, there ya go. A little tease for ya until the movie is released in most likely November of 2032.

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  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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