
This makes me want to have babies.

Since it won't embed, this video is what I'm talking about.

Also, I like the nerd things. But I would say that Greg is more the nerd than I. However, I heard about some casting news yesterday that makes me want to be the first in line for the new Wolverine movie. Taylor Kitsch of Friday Night Lights has been cast as Gambit. For those who haven't seen FNL (I've only seen the first season on DVD) you should try to catch some of it, because 1) it's actually a good show and 2) Taylor Kitsch. I recently saw a blurb in EW where Jenna Fischer (Pam on The Office) said regarding Kitsch's character Tim Riggins: "There hasn't been a man that hot since Brad Pitt took his shirt off in Thelma and Louise." And that really is a great comparison.

I mean, seriously.

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Can you guess what I got on my first test in Calc?

I'll give you a hint.


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R.I.P. Scruffy

I remember when my dad got me my life size James Dean stand-up for my birthday, he set James up in the doorway to give it to me. Scruffy FREAKED out. He barked and jumped and ran about. It was one the funniest things I'd ever seen.



"Don't have sex because you will get pregnant and die."

These girls rock!!

From Jezebel:
Two St. Louis-area 9th graders, Tori Shoemaker and Cheyenne Bird, 14, were suspended from their Illinois junior high school for wearing condom-bedecked t-shirts proclaiming "Safe Sex Or No Sex" as a way of protesting their school's abstinence-only education policy. Shoemaker, 15, told a local TV station, "We were supporting safe sex, it's something we believe in and we shouldn't get suspended. It's freedom of speech." The school superintendent, however, found the shirts "inappropriate" and "a distraction at school". Shoemaker and Bird's school, Lewis & Clark in Wood River, Illinois, teaches abstinence only to sixth and eighth graders, and Shoemaker thinks that safe-sex education is imperative for teens entering high school. "We're more mature, we're going up to the high school, and teenagers are going to do what they do," Shoemaker explained to a reporter from KMOV TV.

According to a non-profit website called The Institute For Youth Development, the state of Illinois is required by law to teach sex ed about HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, but it is not required to teach about abstinence or contraception.

Even though the junior high brass isn't budging -- they have no plans to revise their abstinence-only curriculum -- the girls' parents are supportive. Vic Shoemaker, Tori's dad, told reporters: "I'm realistic, I'd like to see them not do it at all before they get married, but look at all the teenagers coming up pregnant."

I linked to the Jezebel story because the comments are so much better* than what I found on the actual area news websites.

While I can understand them being suspended (I do believe condoms on shirts are a classroom distraction - just like we weren't allowed to wear Coed Naked shirts to school back when those were popular in the 90's), I think it's awesome they are standing up for what they believe in. Especially at a young age. Abstinence only education makes me so mad!

*better="in line with my own opinions" :)

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I'm actually kind of impressed.


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Frak yeah!

Finally there is a release date for BSG: Season 3. Thanks gods! I have exactly 17 days to get through all of Season 3 before the premiere episode of Season 4. Totally do-able!

In Not-SciFi-TV-News:
Greg is finally done working 3rd shift! He's been working his permanent 1st shift gig now for a week. He's still getting used to it though, so he's been in bed around 9pm every night. Last night he fell asleep around 7:30pm. Hopefully he'll be adjusted in another week or so.

I started school! I'm taking two classes at the community college (Calculus I and Intro to Data Processing). The computer class is really easy ( I got 100% on the first test Tuesday - rock!) and the Calc class so far isn't too bad. I have a really good teacher, and I find all the stuff interesting so it keeps my attention even toward the end of long day. Yeah - even though Greg is now getting home early - I am not getting home until 9 or 10 Monday-Wednesday due to classes. But having 2 nights a week together is better than none! And we have the weekends to lounge....

Which is exactly what we'll be doing this weekend. Even though Mardi Gras is going on in Soulard this weekend, we will be staying in our warm apartment watching movies. And maybe making out. Who knows.

In other awesome news, we are moving into a new apartment. We love the location of our place now, but we've really outgrown it. We looked at a few different places and had our little hearts broken when our two favorite places had income maximums - and we're just too darn rich to live there. So that was just really disappointing. But, luckily, we found a totally great place that is close to the hwy that we both take to work. It's so much bigger than our current place that we have tons of room to spare. I may try to convince Greg that we need a fort in the living room AT ALL TIMES. We totally have enough room.

And that's really all that's going on with us!

So here's a clip from the Jimmy Kimmel show last night that totally cracks me up!

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  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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