
News Flash

I bowled a 184 last night. I got a turkey! It was super exciting. I got lots of high fives. Yahoo for me!

Today I had my first experience with bad traffic sinced I moved here. It was only mildly annoying, so I know it could get worse.

I'm addicted to Donkey Konga 2 on my GameCube.


Reason #429 my boyfriend rules

Recent Text Messages Received:

Fr: Greg
Received Oct 20
I think I'm gonna to pursue a career in the Christian rap industry...

YO, You can find me in the pews, I make sure they get good use, and even though they killed Jesus I still forgive the Jews!

I'm prayin so much, youth groups are like, Greg you're loco, when the plan is ta put da church game in a chokehold...


Clowns Are Scary

This past weekend Greg and I went to Six Flags for Fright Fest. It was super fun!! It was basically regular Six Flags but Halloween themed. And not busy. :) The longest we had to wait in line was probably 30-40 minutes, and that was only a couple times. Usually we only to wait for one or two groups to go before us. Once it got dark they had these sinister clowns lurking about. And 4 of them scared me within probably 15 minutes. I'm such a loser.

The job is going really well. I'm starting to learn everything pretty well, but I have my safety blanket of the trainer there. Starting Friday I'll be all my lonesome. Scary! Not as scary as clowns, but still scary.

I used to think Kristen Dunst was really cute, and now I kinda think she looks like a troll. (I'm watching "Get Over It" right now - that was kinda random)

In other news, my boyfriend is really cute.


Southeastern Iowans Unite!

I started my new job today. Hooray! I think I'm really going to like it once I start doing work (today was mostly just filling out paperwork, getting my computer set up, etc.)

There are 5 other people in the office and they are all real cool and young. I would guess that none of them are over 30. I know that my boss is 27, because his birthday was today. AND one of my coworkers is from Ft. Madison and another is from Farmington. And another went to school at St. Ambrose in Davenport. Crazy! The guy from Farmington knows a bunch of guys I went to highschool with too. It's so cool!

But after spending all last week on vacation, I'm tired. So it's 6:22 and I'm going to bed.


The internet came today!!

It knocked on the door and said, "Micki how I have missed you! Please use me!" And I did. And it was good.

I am not going to play online all day tomorrow. Even though I now have cable internet, so it's much better than what I had in Des Moines. I am going to go get a Missouri drivers license. And a safety and odometer inspection for my car. And maybe an emissions test. And then I'm that much closer to getting my plates. Ooh and I need to do laundry too. I'm guessing I download songs and play Animal Crossing instead. But, it's good to have goals I guess.

Recently watched:
Exorcism of Emily Rose
Amityville Horror
Buffy Seasons 4 and 6 (snipets)

I really liked Serenity, I will probably buy Firefly now to get more back story. The Exorism of Emily Rose was not scary, which was a big let down. I was expecting to have trouble sleeping, but no. However, Amityville Horror did give me bad dreams. Coley and I had to steal a car and move to Mexico because the rest of the members of our family had been possessed by a haunted house. There was a cool part to the dream though where I stopped a bullet from getting me by batting it away with my knife. Very Matrix like. But the rest of the dream was very scary. To me. At the time.

About me

  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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