
reason #42 my boyfriend amuses me

His grocery list from Monday night.... Posted by Picasa

....and the note that accompanied it Posted by Picasa


I forgot to post this back in February. This was the view of the parking lot from my window at work one day when it snowed. The shapes were made just from cars pulling in and out (dirrty) of the parking spaces in front of our office. How rad is that? Posted by Picasa


I miss Hy-Vee Chinese Buffet.


Go Blues!

I scored tickets for the Blues game from one of my managers at work (actually really great seats - 6 rows up from the ice!) so Greg and I ventured downtown to Savvis Center last night. The Blues actually ALMOST won. Pretty exciting stuff. I've never really watched hockey, so I didn't know what was going on for part of the time, but it was still fun. I just got excited when they would fight. :)

I had a really strange dream last night involving zombie herpes. That could be cured by rubbing the bottoms of your feet on someone. Anyone want to start working on the script?


I see Ryan Seacrest more than I see my boyfriend.

or, in other words, American Idol has made me its bitch.

Man, I really did avoid this craze for the first 4 seasons pretty well. I didnt even know who any of the contestants were seasons 1 - 3. Then last year, I caught one episode at Sarah's house, but that's it. I didn't know anybodys name or anything, just that there was that one guy with the chin or that one girl with the hair. But, then, the internet happened. Specifically, YouTube happened. This year, I started watching some videos of the bad auditions and in the process ended up catching a couple "good" ones. And it was all over after that. I watch the performances, the results show, read the recaps at Television Without Pity, and hell, I even voted last week. I hate myself.

On a Television Without Pity note, I'm seriously enjoying reading The Real World recaps. I would never really want to watch the show (Thank goodness we don't have cable, otherwise I would probably get sucked into that as well). But reading commentary on this trash(now in its SEVENTEENTH SEASON) is pure guilty pleasure goodness.

p.s. To those of you who have also been sucked into the American Idol craze: Isn't Katharine McPhee the cutest thing since ... ever?


KT Tunstall concert 3/9

Here are a couple pictures from the KT Tunstall show I went to on Thursday. We had good seats, but I didn't take many pictures. Mostly because the flashes from other people's cameras were driving me crazy, so I can't imagine what it was like for them on stage. Ain't I considerate? The concert was great. She was super cute and has a wonderful voice. Go buy her CD today. :)

 Posted by Picasa

yeah, it's blurry, but he's playing the cello! Posted by Picasa

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  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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