
Funny and Funny.

Worst Fight Scene Ever

Godzilla does a mean Busta Rhymes

Also, Claymates scare me.


a quick little update....

My hip is killing me. I'm limping everywhere.
Apparently I turned 70 overnight.


Cool = Greg's hours at work changed so he gets home to me an hour earlier.

Uncool = My favorite shoes broke.


I like crap.

I've never considered myself a movie snob by any means, but I've always thought that I had a pretty good idea of what is good and what is crap. And in the past few years I've embraced so-bad-it's-good cinema (Colleen is no small part responsible for this I think). But I still always thought that my like of craptastic movies was less than my love of great movies. For example, if I had to choose between The Godfather and Crossroads....sorry Britney. But lately....

1. Last night, Greg's friend Brandon was over and he was browsing through Greg's movie selection looking for something to watch. He made a crack about how all of the movies in the living room are Greg's, and all of mine are confined to the bedroom. I decided to go look real quick to see if there was anything he may be interested in and was met with such awesome titles as From Justin to Kelly, 13 Going on 30, Center Stage, and Get Over It (co-starring none other than Sisqo-yes of "The Thong Song" fame). And that's just a few of the craptastic movies I own. That I PAID FOR.

2. One of the websites I frequent, The Movie Blog, recently had a lot of top 10 lists. One, of course, being the bloggers 10 favorite movies. (which sidebar - I totally just spelled that as "favourite" because I guess I totally wish I was Canadian) When I started to think what my favorite movies were....not really any sort of "standard" good movies. Camp is really high up on the list. So are Slither, Big Trouble in Little China, and Labyrinth. I wouldn't argue with anyone if they said these movies were craptastic.

So....Do I like The Godfather? You bet! Would I rather watch Britney travel cross country with her friends, Bitchy Prom Queen and White Trash Girl? Oh my god, I totally would.


The Bad Touch

I ask you, how could I NOT love him?


Hitler or Slither?

Take the quiz.

p.s. Slither is out on DVD October 24th!!!


So this chick calls me at work yesterday and is like "hey, you messed up."
And then I'm all, "Well, let me check, but nope. We haven't even been doing that thing here for like 4 months...so it wasn't us!"
And she says "Okay!"

Then today....
Her BOSS emails MY BOSS and is like "Hey, this needs to be fixed."
So he forwards it to me to fix....
And I'm like...uhhhhh....
So I email BOSS chick and I'm like "Can you fax me a copy of thing you say WE messed up?"
So she faxes it over...I look at it for like 30 seconds at most and CLEARLY it wasn't anything doing with us.
So I email her back like "Ummm...if you look at it...A) B) and C) ... not me."
And I'm really hoping the "snootiness" came through in my email reply.


I think I'm turning Japanese....

Greg and I went to the Japanese Festival at the Missouri Botanical Gardens on Saturday. The had sumo and martial arts demonstrations, a japanese marketplace, CUPS of Saki (I didn't try any and Greg had to throw away half of his cup it was so strong!) and much more.

Some guy had made a bunch of glass sculptures that were around the whole area. This is one of the ponds with glass bulbs in it...

Another cool sculpture

Greg got grilled squid!!

And I got a hat!

About me

  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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