
For Buffy fans....


Good Mood Guarantee

There's nothing like randomly hearing "Faded" by Soul Decision on a particularly blah day. Does anyone remember that song? It completely reminds me of sophomore year at Iowa. Good times!

My first two Netflix discs are on their way (Deadwood Season One: Discs 1 and 2) so we'll see how this goes. Greg and I decided that we will create our own separate queues so that we each can have a disc sent out from our respective lists, instead of him being stuck watching 2 discs that I'm mostly interested in. (or vice versa) So this way we'll watch "Battlestar Galacticca" followed by "Yojimbo" or something.

I'm so bored by my job lately. Sometimes I think I need some sort of career overhaul. Sigh.


We're your arch-nemesises…ses

Some randomness for your Thursday:

-Hollywood Video has this promotion where you can pay $10 up front and for the next 30 days you get "Rent One, Get One Free" on everything in the store. Greg and I decided to do this, so we've been checking out stuff we may not normally get -including but not limited to:

She's the Man
Sky High
Ultimate Avengers
Batman Vs. Dracula
Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis

On second thought, who am I kidding? We would have gotten all of those movies eventually. And I'm not ashamed to admit that I really really liked "Sky High"

-I've never thought of myself as any sort of music geek and/or snob and/or whatever. I mean, I like what I like and for a long time that was a pretty big chunk of the music that is out there. As of late I don't know if I'm become bitter or what but I cannot get into much new stuff I hear these days. And I am really really super sick of all these bands with punny song titles that think they are deep or something. I would so much rather listen to someone who makes no qualms with being pop than someone who tries to hide the fact they are pop with black eye liner and converse sneakers.

-Cleaning out your computer mouse is like letting loose a big sneeze. That one's free, you can use it whenever you want.


Blog Reads

This is seriously one of the funniest, craziest, WTF? things I've read about it a while. If you have time, because there is a bit of a back story AND the comments to a lot of the posts are funny and link to some other related stuff, I suggest you check this out. The link I provided is the whole damn saga, so start at the bottom.


Mindless Self Indulgence rocks my world.

Thursday night Greg and I headed over to Pop's in Sauget to check out some Mindless Self Indulgence. It. Was. Awesome. The energy was great, the crowd was great, THEY ARE FANTASTIC, it was one of the best things ever. I was so happy to see them. I can't wait until they are in town again. If you think you can handle the ROCK I would seriously check them out.


When Colleen and I moved into together, I was pleasantly surprised at how much we had in common and how well we got along. One of the greatest things we shared was our love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I had only really just started watching the show when she moved in ( I would catch reruns on FX ) but because of her awesome friend Jimmy O. I was able to watch all of Season 6 on VHS. Then Colleen and I were able to watch the seventh and final season as it aired on the Iowa City WB affiliate in the year that we lived together.

Although the show still remains my favorite show EVER, it is not without its flaws. One of those that happened WAY too many times in Season 6 was Buffy and Spike doing "it". I was actually squeeing with the delight the first time the two characters swapped swip on screen, but by the end of season I was sick of it. It seemed (as Colleen once joked) Buffy and Spike had gotten it on everywhere but our apartment.

This joke spawned into the wonderful idea that we should buy Buffy and Spike action figures for the sole purpose of setting them up in comprising positions for our amusement. At the time, the Spike figure was insanely expensive (much to my surprise) so we started looking at some other characters. Soon enough Colleen had bought a Buffy, Xander, Angel, and Giles while I got Oz and a different Buffy. This was enough to entertain us. We would take turns "shocking" each other with our arrangements. (I actually screamed once at what Angel was doing to one of the Buffys when I walked into the living room...) When Colleen and I had to part ways the end of senior year it was very sad for many reasons. For me, one of those reasons was the alarming decrease in action figures at my disposal. After I moved to Des Moines, I got a couple more (Faith and Drusilla) just so I could amuse myself occasionally.

Now....Cut to about 3 years later...

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Some would say it's gotten a bit out of hand....

My collection is as follows: (from left to right starting at the top)

Lorne from Angel (he comes with his own karaoke stage and a Seabreeze)
"Fool for Love" Spike (an episode that had a flashback to his "Billy Idol" days...sigh)
Oz (from my original collection)
Dark Witch Willow
Series 1 Willow (this is still in the package since it was one of the first figures released, I've seen it on Ebay for around $40)
Season 5 Willow
Giles (which, funny enough, was shipped here from England)
Series 1 Buffy (with a newly super-glued arm)
Dawn (she comes with a football helmet! If you haven't watch BtVS you don't get it, but if you have...so funny!)
Schoolgirl Darla (this was an Xmas gift from my man)
Illyria from Angel (easily one of my favorite figs - she's so cool)
Season 5 Angel (cool props: #1 boss mug and a thermos of blood)
Graduation Day Buffy (She comes with a diploma, yearbook, and handcuffs)
Faith (actually an Angel , not Buffy, fig)
Pylean Demon Angel
Wesley from Angel (comes with a very cool weapons closet - which actually holds weapons, it isn't just for decoration - and Angel's soul)
Vamped out Spike
Anyanka (Anya in her demon form)
D'Hoffryn (Anyanka's boss)
Anya (just regular)
Anya in a bunny suit

And there you have it. I'm a total nerd. I'm not even mentioning that I own Buffy/Angel ornaments now too.....

I also bought a comic book this weekend.


I can only pray this is true.



45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?:Gnol Ellehcim.
What did you do last night?:Watched Underworld Evolutions
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?:The latest episode of Best Week Ever
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?:Not that I recall
Last time you swam in a pool?:a couple of weeks ago
What are you wearing?:Black pants, black boots, black sweater, lavendar camisole
How many cars have you owned?:3
Type of music you dislike most?:slow R&B
Are you registered to vote?:yeppers
Do you have cable?:Nope
What kind of computer do you use?:at home I have a Dell laptop
Ever made a prank phone call?:When I was 12
You like anyone right now?:I have a crush on every boy
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?:Right now I say no, but who knows what will happen in the future...
Furthest place you ever traveled?:Rome
What's your favorite comic strip?:Dilbert
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?:I think so...
Shower, morning or night?:both
Best movie you've seen in the past month?:The Spiderman 3 trailer.... or The Fly
Favorite pizza toppings?:sausage and pepperoni
Chips or popcorn?:Chips
What cell phone provider do you have?:Sprunt
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?:You can do that?
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?:I don't think so
Orange Juice or apple?:Orange
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?:Oh man, I feel old...
favorite chocolate bar?:Kit Kat
Who is your longest friend and how long?:Adam and 14 years
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?:ick. I don't eat tomatoes.
Have you ever won a trophy?:Softball
Favorite arcade game?:Time Crisis
Ever ordered from an infomercial?:I've been tempted, but no.
Sprite or 7-UP?:Good question...I can't decide
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?:Standard polo shirt to work at Osco
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?:probably make up
Ever thrown up in public?:kind of....
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?:finding true love...with a millinaire
Do you believe in love at first sight?:Yes
SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON?:sponge bob if I must choose
Did you have long hair as a young kid?:crazy long
What message is on your voicemail machine?:...............
Where would you like to go right now?:home
Whats the name of your pet?:Scruffy (or as Greg calls him Scruffleupagus)
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?:I dont have a back pack
What do you think about most?:Ninjas
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Cracked.com reviews the reviews of Nacho Libre

A very funny read, and also points out a lot of the problems I have with most movie reviewers. Especially the people (excuse me ppl) who comment on IMDB.


And I thought I was such a badass...

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And, by the way, I'm still excited about the Spiderman 3 trailer.

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  • I'm Michelle
  • From St. Peters, MO
  • I'm a super deluxe babe.
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